DiscerningGent.com (DG) is the online magazine covering men’s fashion, style and grooming. At the very core of the content we create and curate is our reader, the discerning male with a keen eye on fashion.
DG aims to deliver the very best in sartorial news – the latest lines, the hottest trends and the industry insight that helps inform the opinions we relay onto our readers. Covering the latest collections – from well known fashion houses, high street retailers to up-and-coming designers – DG aims to showcase the very best for our readers.
Created by the Founder and Editor of Elysium Magazine, DG is the little brother website with big ambitions. Where Elysium Magazine caters for the discerning male readership from an overall lifestyle perspective, DG is purely focused on delivering the need-to-know details from within the world of men’s fashion, style and grooming. Simply put, we get closer to the action for our readers.